Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 6: Beast from the air

Man from the sky

A plane gets shot down in the middle of the night and a man parachutes down, but he is dead. Sam n' Eric saw it, but it was night so they thought it was the beast. That is why they are so scared. It terrified everyone because now that a bigun is saying it exists then how could it not. They say that it was large and could fly (because of the parachute). It was moved by the wind and so it seemed to soar, but also to flail about. Now it is a flying Leviathan.

Everyone but Jack was embroiled. They were scared, but convinced that they had the go find it and kill it, so we went out diffidently. There was only one place that Jack had not yet scouted out, so we went there. It was a bunch of big rocks covered in guano.

I think that it is a sign from above. It represents the evil in all of us. I don't know if it is real or our imaginations, but whatever it is, it is scary. I think that the whatever Sam n' Eric saw was sent for a reason. It could be the real thing or it could be a mistake like when that littlun saw me in the woods.


  1. you did a good job explaining what happened in the chapter. you really didn't explain from a characters point of view. i also feel that some of the vocab words didn't fit in the places you put them .

  2. I like how you explained what happen and some of the main charcters.But it sound like your telling a story not a jouranl entry. I really like it.
