Monday, September 14, 2009

The Sound of the Shell: Jack is being interviewed

Crashed on an Island and I don't Know What to do.

1. Describe the setting of the island.

The island that we are on has a forest and a mountain. And it had palm trees and palm fronds every were. Now is has a huge scar across it from when the plain crash landed. Off the shore there is a huge coral reef and a smaller island. There are lagoons and driftwood and this platform that we had our first meeting on. No adults will be great, we can do what ever we want.

2. What major event has brought you to this island?

World war 2 is happening and our private school was evacuating all of the students. Our plain was shot down over an island and now we are stranded here.

3. Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the other characters (of interest) who have been introduced so far.

My name is Jack I am the precentor. I should have been the leader of everyone on the island but this other kid Ralph got voted in instead, and just because he had this silly shell that he blew to call us all there. I am incredulous that they would choose him over me. Then him, one of my choir boys; Simon and I went out to see if this was really an island and if there was anyone else around. This other fat kid called Piggy wanted to come too but we said no. There is a bunch of other kids on the island, including my entire choir. They don't matter though because they are just there to fallow.

4. Why are there no adults on this island?

Well the only adult on the plain was the pilot. All of our fathers were off fighting in the war. When the plain get hit the part of the plain were the pilot was get all burnt up and so we were left here alone.

5. What powers does a person holding the conch have? How do you feel about the conch?

The stupid shell that the Ralph boy used to call everyone with. Well it kinda symbolizes the ruler and it was used to call everyone to the first meeting of everyone on the island. I think that it is stupid that it has that power over everyone. I mean it is just a shell. And just because that Ralph blew it, does not mean that he should be the ruler.

6. What is the choir’s job? How do you feel about the boys in the choir?

Ralph says that I still control the choir and I think that it would be useful to have hunters to get food, so I volunteered them for hunting duty. I am tough and will make a perfect leader for them. They are wise, not as wise as me of course but I feel that they will work fine, and under my lead stupendous.

Why do you feel you should be elected chief?

I have so much to proffer. I feel that I am a natural leader. After all I lead the choir and I have done an effulgence job. They obey and honor me.

Why couldn’t you kill the pig?

It was not that I could not kill the pig it was that I was choosing the perfect spot. Then it got away.

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