Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If I had to be stranded on an island and could only bring three things and three people, what and who would I bring?

If I had to be stranded on an island and could only bring three things and three people, what and who would I bring?

My answers would alter depending on what the island was like but I will assume that It is a typical island with driftwood, grass, and weeds.

For my three items I would probably bring a large motor boat so that we can all get off the island with a little bit of comfort room and go faster then the wind would take us. Also a huge container of extra gas so that we won't run out and be stranded in the middle of the ocean. And finally a lighter so that we could light dried driftwood on fire and get food and water from the fire.

The three people that I would most likely bring are my Mom, my dad and my grandpa. My mom, because she could drive the boat, help us catch fish and make food and drinkable water, and she is smart and would keep her head about her. My dad, because he is a trained medic and could help us if anyone got hurt, he has driven a boat and gone out fishing before. And my Grandpa Gene, because he is an engineer, knows hoe to drive a boat, has gone fishing, and for company.

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