Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chapter 5: Beast From Water

Rules, Punishments, and Fears

Ralph calls and assembly to address rules and decorum. He discursive about how the littluns were not going to the bathroom by the rocks like they were suppose to. And that they were contaminating the fruit. He also complained about the hunters not concentrating on the fire like they should. He pretty much went over the rules that we had already established. The littluns are stupid they aren't going to listed to him. If they have to go they aren't going to hold it until the get all the way to the rocks. They will go when they need to go. As for my hunters, it was a bad coincidence that a ship came by at the exact time that we were hunting. Anyway they probably would not have seen us and who wants to get rescued from freedom anyway. Only them littluns and the wimpy biguns, like Piggy and Simon and Ralph. My hunters and me are thought they don't need no one looking after them. They can look after themselves just fine.

You can clearly see that everyone listens to me and ignores Ralph. My effigy is better. I will soon be chief and everyone will listen to me, just like they should have done in the beginning. They have more fun with me and they have freedom. Ralph made up too many stupid rules. It will be fun to jeer at him when I am in charge.

Them littluns lament because they are stupid. They are wimpy and they are useless. They think to much about things that just don't mater and obviously aren't true. That Beastie they keep raving about, it is as stupid as they are. They cry for home, they cry because they are afraid of tis Beastie. As long as they don't come bugging me then I don't really care if they are scared.

Percival Wemys Madison is afraid of “the Beastie”. He Believes that the Beastie comes out of the sea and wanders through the forest on the island.

I think that the dirtiest thing there is is disloyalty and treachery. If I were to trust someone and they let me down then I would want to kill them.

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