Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chapter 2: A Red Mountain in the sunset. From the point of view of: Simon.

This island has taken a large tole on everyone. The spirits have brought us hear and all of us are stressed out. They have given us everything thing that we need to survive on an island. The island is enough to live on but it is just enough. Not great, not horrible, just enough.

And then there is that beastie that the little 'uns saw. I think that it is a symbol from the heavens above telling us that there is good and evil in everyone and that we have to choose which we are. It scares me that it makes us grew farther apart form each other as we fight about it, when we should be bonding together to find a way out of this mess.

I think that we were put hear for a reason and if we are to be left hear that that would be for a reason too. I say we should just wait it out and see what the gods have planed out for us. I do wish to be rescued and to be able to see my family again, though.

As soon as he said the word “fire” everyone ran with ebullience to get supplies for the fire. They were like a pack of officious animals. Then we pinched Piggy's specs, after recriminating him and all. (I feel really bad about that now.) We used them to start the fire and it still went out. I can't believe that the ashes would start a fire down below, though. Then Piggy told us what we had done. The poor little boy with the mark on his face. As we watched the fire I knew that he was dead. It hit me hard and the rest just as bad. I don't think that we will be trying a fire again until we are much more organized and probably not for a wile after that.

I don't think that the rest of them believe in the spirits. I think that they laugh behind my back. I am just different. I connect with the spirits and I do this because I believe in them. If any of them tried truly believing, then they would understand.

Every night I see that fire and I think about that boy with the mark and I cry. I cry for him and the animals and everyone. I can't wait to get back to normal society. I can't wait to be free of the animal inside of me. I can't wait to be free of this martyred.

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