Monday, September 21, 2009

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair

This island is so different from home. The ground is sandy and there are no beds. We have to get our own food and water. We also have to keep the fire going so that if a ship comes by it will know that we are hear. Not having grownups is hard, they always kept order and knew what to do, now we have to make our own decisions and everyone looks up to me. I guess growing up is not a fun as I always thought it would be.

The littluns don't help out with anything. All they do is swim, eat, sleep, cry and be blatant. (Though not as much of the crying as you would think.) Still they should help out with some thing. The only one who is helping is Simon.

All of them Hunters Painting there faces like they can camouflage themselves. Going off to hunt with Jack and his belligerence and malevolence. They are going to just keep getting worse and worse. It is like foreshadowing in a book. First they kill an animal, but how long until it is people.

The ship that was passing the island would have been able to see them if the fire was going. But the hunters had gone off with Jack to kill a pig and the fire went out.

The Hunters went with Jack to go and kill a pig, spilling it's gouts everywhere. We could have had a home and plenty more and better meat if that ship had come to rescue us. But no they had to let the fire go out.

I call a meeting in the night/dark. This will be the very first meeting that is not in the daytime. I call it because things are getting out of hands with the Hunters and with Jack. How could he be so impalable.

1 comment:

  1. Try lenghthening your sentences. Include more content. Great Jod other than that!!! Keep up the great work.
