Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 7:Shadows and tall trees.

Leader of the savages.
From the point of view of Piggy.

Ralph is changing. He still is not that nice to me, but I notice him. His hair is growing out, and it is dirty. His teeth need brushing and he hardly has any of his shorts left, not that they look like much. We are all disgusting and briny but he seems to notice and wish for more. Jack loves it out hear. He does not care, but Ralph does.

After they all speared the pig they acted out a little skit. The skit was of them surrounding it and then killing it. They all got too excited thought and they started really hurting the kid that was acting as the pig. They are acting more and more like savages every day.

I think that when they did the skit, they went too wild. They got too excited and start acting like savages. It may have all been fun and games, but it symbolized something more. It shows that even Ralph can go bad, and that he started too.

Then they want to show off there bravado to everyone, so they talk about acting it out. One of them suggests that they should use a real pig so they can kill it. And Jack suggests that they should use a littlun instead of a pig. Impervious to the horror of that idea they all laughed. Jack is getting more and more savage. Soon he will actually kill someone.

After the skit incident they dunly climbed up to the top of the mountain to get rid of the beast, so that we could light the signal fire. They thought that they saw the beast on the mountain, so it must be real. Why does Simon still think it isn't, though? He went with them, he saw it too. Now after the fact, I know that it was just a man with a parachute. It still looked scary though and they were Windy. They wouldn't approach it, that is why they did not find out what it really was.

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