Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 12: Point of veiw: Ralph

In the beginning of the chapter we find out that Samneric join Jack's tribe because they were beaten and threatened. During Jack's private feast I go and talk to Samneric who are on guard duty. They say that Roger is a horror and that he has sharpened a stick at both ends for Ralph. Sam gives me meat from the feast and then I go and hide.
In the middle of the chapter Jack begins the hunt for me. I first hid in a thicket next to Castle rock. One of the twins tells Jack were I am hiding. Jacks tribe first drops boulders on my hideout and then lights it on fire to flush me out.
Then toward the end of the chapter when I fled to the beach, I found a Naval Officer. Then Percival (the littlun at the beginning that could tell you everything about him) could not even remember his name. The Naval officer asked who was in charge. I of course told him that I was the leader and by doing so I held myself responsible for the events. The Naval Officer was disappointed, because we did not know how many of us there were. I never did get a count or a list of names. Then we all broke down in tears and went home.

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