Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chapter 10: The conch and the Glasses

Dear Journal,
I am dead now and The Lord of the Flies was right. Everyone killed me. Even Ralph and Piggy. I tried to warn them about what the beast was, but they were doing some sort of ritual thing with Jack and his lot. They thought I was the beast and attacked me. I'll admit I must have looked scary, but to go that far... I only wanted to warn them. Anyway I am a ghost now and so I have been looking over them as they deal with what they did to me. Some are taking it like they took the death of the mulberry boy, but harder and Jack has convinced others that it was the beast disguised as me. This is what I saw.

First I visited Piggy and Ralph, hopping that they would be more Consoling.

They were so quiet, then they started denning it. You would think that it would make me feel better that they were trying to pretend like they could not do something like that, but they did do it and I know that they feel bad inside, it just does not seem like enough. I mean they killed me. Then Sam n' Eric come and say that they left early when they know that they didn't. It is infuriating. That is when I left. I could not bear it anymore.

I went to see what Jack was doing. I thought it might make me feel better about how Ralph and Piggy were acting. What ever he was doing had to be worse. It was.

He had a boy tied up and he beat him. Then he let him loose and called an assembly. The only biguns that weren't there was Ralph, Piggy and The Twins. (I was starting to feel bad for them.) Then Jack said that I was the beast not me and that I would come back and was not dead. I could not believe it. Then he plans to take some biguns and steel the others fire in the middle of the night. I hurried over and tried to warn Piggy and Ralph. They woke up and I started calling to Piggy “Piggy, Piggy, Come out Piggy.” I think he heard me but he was scared and would not come out. Then I watched as Jack, Roger and Maurice found that there was no fire and attacked them. Ralph and Eric were beating up on each other wile Jack and the other two got away with Piggy's glasses. It was horrible.

I ran to my hiding spot in the woods. The Lord of the Flied was waiting. It geared and teased me. Then I vanished.


  1. OMG.. THIS IS A GREAT POST! You did a great job at talking from Simon's perspective i really like the begining paragraph. GREAT JOB KILLIAN. :)

  2. You did a good job of each paragraph. Explain good details!
