Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 9: A View to a Death

1.In Simon's secret place, the flies preferred the sow's head and guts.
2.Simon decides to climb the mountainside to see the beast.
3.Simon untangles the figure on the mountainside.
4.Piggy suggests that Ralph and him go to the party.
5.Ralph and Piggy got accepted into the party when a littlun burnt piggy.
6.Jack declares that the conch does not count on this side of the island.
7.Towards the end of the party the weather gets stormy and rainy.
8.As the boys danced they chanted: “Kill the beast, Cut his throat, Spill his blood.”
9.Simon emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast.
10.I think that Jack was responsible for killing Simon, because he got everyone rallied up and all hyper. He said “Do our dance! Come on! Dance!” He told them all to join in there skit and that is what got them all hyped up. He started the chanting: “Kill the beast, Cut his throat, Spill his blood.” He got them chanting evil words that made them hate the beast, and then they thought that Simon was the beast, because he came muttering on all fours at them. I think that it was all jacks fault, because all of the time on this island he was manipulating others to be more evil like him.

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