Sunday, November 1, 2009

Chapter 11

In the beginning of the chapter, what does Piggy tell Ralph to do with the conch?

In the beginning of the chapter, Piggy tells Ralph to call an assembly with the conch. (The conch has become somewhat of a talisman.)

What reason will Piggy give Jack for the return of his glasses?

“What's right is right” That is what piggy says to Jack to try to make him give back Piggy's glasses. Also that Piggy can't see without them.

What does Ralph declare their appearance will be when they approach Jack?

Originally Ralph says that they will be how they were, that they would comb there hair. Then he decides that they will go as they are.

Who challenges the boys on their approach to Castle Rock?

Roger challenges the boys on there approach to Castle Rock

When Jack appears, what has he been doing?

When Jack appears, he had just gone hunting.

What does Ralph call Jack that provokes a fight?

Ralph calls Jack a theft and that is what starts up Jack's truculence.

What happens to Samneric after the fight?
After the fight between Ralph and Jack Samn'Eric got tied up by the reluctant tribe.

What is Roger doing during Piggy’s plea for a return to decency?

Roger is throwing rocks at Ralph.

Write a STRONG BODY PARAGRAPH about who is responsible for Piggy’s death and why.

I think that Roger and Jack is responsible for Piggy's death. Roger was the one that directly killed Piggy and Jack is more of the cause. Roger purposefully rolled the rock down the hill toward Piggy. Roger caused a cessation that froze everyone else but I don't think it hit him or Jack. Jack has been making everyone more and more savage. He is a bad example for all of them. Also he killed Simon which might have made Roger see that it is okay. So Jack was the cause, but Roger was the direct killer. Then Jack, deliriously took credit for it. Which shows that he wanted it to happen.

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