Wednesday, May 19, 2010



Chapters: 15-17

Prompt: B

I feel that I am a mix between a lot of the characters. I related to Scout in some ways and in other ways I relate to Jem or Atticus. Sometimes I even feel connected to Dill or other characters. I love a book when I can relate to the characters and their actions.

I feel more like a tom boy. If I was not raised so well I most likely would get into fights a lot, just like Scout. Instead I was taught to 1) Ignore whoever is bothering me and walk away or 2) Put them in their place by using words and then walk away. I think that in this way I am more like Jem or Atticus. Jem will break at some points, but so will most people. They both help others keep calm. This is another trait that I relate too. Some times it is helping a sibling and some times it is friends or acquaintances.

Even though I am a lot older then Scout or Jem I feel that I was mostly the same at their ages as well. I can also relate to some of the fights in the book. When Scout was rubbing Walter Cunningham's face in the dirt, for instance. I would be more like Jem at that time. I was running with a friend and some kid came up and started saying mean things to her. I told him to back off and I put him back in his place. At the time I was in 1st grade and was only six years old. Even though this was my friend not a sibling, I feel that it had the same meaning.

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