Sunday, May 16, 2010


Journal #5
Chapters: 13-15
Perspective: Scout

Dear Journal,

I found Dill under my bed. I thought he was a snake and called Jem in. He used a broom to sweep under the bed and Dill came out. I don't understand why he did not just say something. He was so dirty. He had stolen his mum's money and used all 13 dollars of it to buy a train ticket. Then he walked the rest of the way and waited under my bed for two hours. Jem went and told Atticus on him, but Atticus said that he could stay over the night. We fed him lots because he was hungry. He had not eaten since the night before because he had no money left. In the night Dill came and slept in my room.

The next night Atticus left the house early in his car. Jem decided to go out after him. I persisted and he let me come along. We woke Dill who had gone back to sleeping next door and headed into town. We found Atticus's car and soon found him. He was reading on a chair in front of the jail. Then some cars zoomed around the corner and came to a stop. I wanted to go to Atticus but Jem held me back. People stepped out of their cars and walked up to Atticus. They told him to get out of the way. I did not understand. I ran up to Atticus through the crowd. I was to fast for Jem and Dill. They came up behind me but I was already through to Atticus. He told Jem to take Dill and I home. Jem refused. Atticuse told him more sternly. Jem still refused. I looked around at the people. I only found one familiar face.

“Hi Mr. Cunningham. Do you remember me? I go to school with your son Walter. Mr. Cunningham?” I was getting nervous. Everyone was staring at me.
“Ok, boys. Lets get going,” Mr. Cunning ham said. Then he crouched down to my level and said, “Yes I remember you. I'll tell Walter you said hi.” I smiled up at him as he turned to go.


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