Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Journal #1
Chapters 8-9
Perspective of: Jem

Dear Diary,

Yesterday and today brought good and bad. Scout and I saw our first snowfall. We were very excited to be acquainted with snow. We made an ingenious snowman out of dirt and snow that looked just like Mr. Avery. To make it slightly less obvious, Atticus had us put Miss Maudie's hat and hedge clippers on it. I thought it was pretty impressive myself, so did Atticus and Scout I think.

Later that night Atticus woke me and told me to get on my robe and coat quickly, then to meet him in Scout's room. Once we were both dressed he rushed us out side. I was perplexed until I saw that Miss Maudie's house was on fire. Atticus was going to help remove her furniture, and told us to stay put in front of the Radley's gate. Soon the fire had spread to our adjacent neighbors house and then to ours. Scout wanted to get our stuff but I told her that Atticus would tell us when it was time.

Mr. Avery was in the second story of Miss Maudie's house, throwing her possessions out the window. Then he almost got stuck in the window climbing out. Three fire trucks were trying to isolate the fire (one being pushed from town due to the cold.) After all of the houses were put out, the fire trucks left and we went home. That is when we discovered that BOO Radley had come to call on Scout. She had a brown blanket draped over her shoulders that had not been there before. Mr. Avery could not have done it because he was helping with Miss Maudie's house.

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