Thursday, May 13, 2010


Journal #4
Chapters 10-11
Perspective of: Scout

I wrote this how I think that Scout would say it. Please pardon my improper grammar.

It was right after Jem's twelfth birthday and we were walking into town to use up the money that he had got. Ms. Dubose was out on her front porch as usual and saw us walking along. She yelled down at us something like “How's that nigger loving father of yours?” Jem stood proud and told her that he was doing fine. We kept on walkin all the way into town. Jem bought himself a toy train and me a baton. I was so thrilled I did not even notice how close to Ms. Dubose's house we were. It also helped that she was not outside any more and was not yellin at us about our father bein a “nigger lover.”

Suddenly Jem grabbed my baton and ran up Ms. Dubose's front steps. He used my baton to knock off all of the flower buds on her plants. Then still screamin like a madman he broke my baton in too. By then I was so startled and scared and sad that I was bawlin my head off. He ran back down the steps and started yankin out all of my hair, tellin me to shut up. He pushed me down then picked me back up lookin like he was sorry. We walked back home in silence.

When Atticus got home he had my broken baton in one and and a rose bud in another. “Did you so this Jeremy Finch?” Jem reckoned he did. After a long talk with Atticus about why and not to let her bug him and whatnot. Then he made Jem go and apologize to her.

I was so scared for Jem. Ms. Dubose was gonna shoot him and Atticus did not even care. It seemed like hours before he came back. Jem said that he had to go and read to her for an entire month and clean up her flowers. I promised myself then and there that I was going to go and sit with him wile he read to Ms. Dubose every day.

We went to her house day after day. Jem readin. Me watchin. She was a creepy old lady. This close up you could see all of her liver spots and watch the saliva drool out of her mouth. About halfway through each sestion she seemed to stop listnin. Once the timer on the mantle rang her maid/house keeper would shoo us out. Then they would come back and start all over again the next day.

Even after the month was up she had us come for another week. We were so thrilled, when she finally dismissed us. A week later she died. Atticus came back from her house with a candy box for Jem. But when he opened it instead of bein candy there was just a bloomed rose. Jem freaked out, yellin about how she would never just leave him alone. And that was the last of Ms. Dubose.

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