Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Journal: 7

Choice B: Tell how the following characters respond to the jury's verdict: Jem, Aunt Alexandra, Dill, Miss Maudie, Bob Ewell.

Jem: When the Jury's verdicts were being read Jem felt defeated. He knew that it was not right and he felt sad for Tom Robinson. The fact that wight men could not put aside race as irrelevant and reach a decision based on facts and what is right was and is disturbing. They were all prejudice as far a he was concerned. Children I think have better judgment then these adults. If you had put Tom Robinson on trial with a jury of children that did not rely on their parents opinions, I think that you would have found that Tom Robinson would have gone free.

Aunt Alexandra: When they all got home from the courthouse Aunt Alexandra told Atticus that she was sorry that he had lost and asked if Jem was alright. Then she perused to attempt to tell Atticus that he should not have let the children go.

Dill: Dill was in favor of Tom Robinson as well. He defended him against his Aunt Rachel. She had said that “If a man like Atticus Finch decides to but his head against a stone wall it's his head.” To this Dill told her what he thought on the matter. Put her in her place, is what I think he meant.

Miss Maudie: Miss Maudie showed that in her opinion she thought that nothing had changed. She did this by given Jem a big slice of cake and Scout and Dill each a small cake of their own. She told them that their father was a good man and that he was one of the men called on to do the predicaments in life. When Jem was calling the people in town frauds/hypocrites about helping Tom in his time of need, she gave him examples of why he was mistaken and that people really did care.

Bob Ewell: We did not find out what Bob Ewell's reaction was. We did however find out what his reaction was to Atticus's accusations. He cussed out Atticus and spit in his face. He was not stealthy about it ether. I take it from this that he was unhappy about Atticus lowering his blood status.

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