Sunday, May 9, 2010


Journal #2
- Chapters 4-7
- Perspective: Jem

WOW! Today was the last day of summer with Dill and I almost got shot by Mr. Nathan. Then I almost got caught by Atticus, when I lost my pants. Dill covered for me by saying that we were playing strip poker – whatever that is. I am sure that I just made no sense what-so-ever so I will start at the beginning.

It was the end of summer vacation and Dill was going to be leaving soon. It was our last night with Dill and we had this fabulous plan. Dill and I were going to get a look at BOO Radley. Scout decided to come along after I accused her of acting like a Girl again. Once we got to the street lamp, I gave Scout one more chance to chicken out but she kept her cool. I was scared that Boo Radley would come and get us , but I was not going to show any fear in front of Dill. Not to mention give Scout the satisfaction.

We crept in the back gate making sure to evade the collards. After what seemed to be an hour, we got to the window with the broken shade. I was the tallest and I was still a few inches short. So Scout and I lifted up Dill. All that he said he saw was darkness and a light in the distance. I was determined to prove to the others that I was not scared of the Radley place, so I decided to go up the stairs to the back porch.

The first step creaked, so I skipped the rest and just jumped onto the porch. I teetered there for a long wile to make sure that no one had heard me. Then I crawled to the window and peaked in. Before I could figure out what was inside I heard one of the others take in a long breath. Then a shadow fell over me and I tried to hide curled up in a ball. The shadow went away again and I hurried down the steps. We did not have to quibble to come to an unanimous decision. We ran out the gate and through two rows of collards.

I was so scared, but maybe whoever it was had not seen us. Who was I kidding? We were in plain sight.

I lifted the fence for Dill and Scout. Then I hurried under, only my pants got caught on the fence. I was so scared and was in such a hurry that I just kicked off my pants and ran to the oaks in my shorts. We ran back the way that we had come and after we had caught our breath we walked out front. A huge group of people had gathered out front of the Radley place. Miss Maudie told us that Mr. Radley shot over a negro in his collard patch. Then he announced with much tyranny that next time he would not aim high.

Then Atticus came over and asked where Jem's pants were. That's when Dill stepped in with his strip poker excuse. Ms. Rachel got mad at Dill, but I got off safe. Later that night I went back out to get my pants, despite Scout's warning and threats. I got back alright without Atticus knowing, but I was scared out of my mind and would think more than twice before doing something like that again.

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