Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 6: Beast from the air

Man from the sky

A plane gets shot down in the middle of the night and a man parachutes down, but he is dead. Sam n' Eric saw it, but it was night so they thought it was the beast. That is why they are so scared. It terrified everyone because now that a bigun is saying it exists then how could it not. They say that it was large and could fly (because of the parachute). It was moved by the wind and so it seemed to soar, but also to flail about. Now it is a flying Leviathan.

Everyone but Jack was embroiled. They were scared, but convinced that they had the go find it and kill it, so we went out diffidently. There was only one place that Jack had not yet scouted out, so we went there. It was a bunch of big rocks covered in guano.

I think that it is a sign from above. It represents the evil in all of us. I don't know if it is real or our imaginations, but whatever it is, it is scary. I think that the whatever Sam n' Eric saw was sent for a reason. It could be the real thing or it could be a mistake like when that littlun saw me in the woods.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chapter 5: Beast From Water

Rules, Punishments, and Fears

Ralph calls and assembly to address rules and decorum. He discursive about how the littluns were not going to the bathroom by the rocks like they were suppose to. And that they were contaminating the fruit. He also complained about the hunters not concentrating on the fire like they should. He pretty much went over the rules that we had already established. The littluns are stupid they aren't going to listed to him. If they have to go they aren't going to hold it until the get all the way to the rocks. They will go when they need to go. As for my hunters, it was a bad coincidence that a ship came by at the exact time that we were hunting. Anyway they probably would not have seen us and who wants to get rescued from freedom anyway. Only them littluns and the wimpy biguns, like Piggy and Simon and Ralph. My hunters and me are thought they don't need no one looking after them. They can look after themselves just fine.

You can clearly see that everyone listens to me and ignores Ralph. My effigy is better. I will soon be chief and everyone will listen to me, just like they should have done in the beginning. They have more fun with me and they have freedom. Ralph made up too many stupid rules. It will be fun to jeer at him when I am in charge.

Them littluns lament because they are stupid. They are wimpy and they are useless. They think to much about things that just don't mater and obviously aren't true. That Beastie they keep raving about, it is as stupid as they are. They cry for home, they cry because they are afraid of tis Beastie. As long as they don't come bugging me then I don't really care if they are scared.

Percival Wemys Madison is afraid of “the Beastie”. He Believes that the Beastie comes out of the sea and wanders through the forest on the island.

I think that the dirtiest thing there is is disloyalty and treachery. If I were to trust someone and they let me down then I would want to kill them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair

This island is so different from home. The ground is sandy and there are no beds. We have to get our own food and water. We also have to keep the fire going so that if a ship comes by it will know that we are hear. Not having grownups is hard, they always kept order and knew what to do, now we have to make our own decisions and everyone looks up to me. I guess growing up is not a fun as I always thought it would be.

The littluns don't help out with anything. All they do is swim, eat, sleep, cry and be blatant. (Though not as much of the crying as you would think.) Still they should help out with some thing. The only one who is helping is Simon.

All of them Hunters Painting there faces like they can camouflage themselves. Going off to hunt with Jack and his belligerence and malevolence. They are going to just keep getting worse and worse. It is like foreshadowing in a book. First they kill an animal, but how long until it is people.

The ship that was passing the island would have been able to see them if the fire was going. But the hunters had gone off with Jack to kill a pig and the fire went out.

The Hunters went with Jack to go and kill a pig, spilling it's gouts everywhere. We could have had a home and plenty more and better meat if that ship had come to rescue us. But no they had to let the fire go out.

I call a meeting in the night/dark. This will be the very first meeting that is not in the daytime. I call it because things are getting out of hands with the Hunters and with Jack. How could he be so impalable.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 3: Huts on the beach

No help, no house and no meat.

A Poem written by piggy about himself

Piggy was a smart young boy who went to boarding school
He was smart but fat and the other boys were cruel
His grandma owned a candy shop and so he was very fat
Then came WW2 and in a plain he sat
They fled away to save the boys and then they got shot down
He found a friend, a conch and others and Ralph was given the crown
They made a fire and it went out, but then it started another
They fried there food and some of their forest cover
Piggy was mad and told them all that they had killed a boy
It was true and then ensued not a little bit of joy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chapter 2: A Red Mountain in the sunset. From the point of view of: Simon.

This island has taken a large tole on everyone. The spirits have brought us hear and all of us are stressed out. They have given us everything thing that we need to survive on an island. The island is enough to live on but it is just enough. Not great, not horrible, just enough.

And then there is that beastie that the little 'uns saw. I think that it is a symbol from the heavens above telling us that there is good and evil in everyone and that we have to choose which we are. It scares me that it makes us grew farther apart form each other as we fight about it, when we should be bonding together to find a way out of this mess.

I think that we were put hear for a reason and if we are to be left hear that that would be for a reason too. I say we should just wait it out and see what the gods have planed out for us. I do wish to be rescued and to be able to see my family again, though.

As soon as he said the word “fire” everyone ran with ebullience to get supplies for the fire. They were like a pack of officious animals. Then we pinched Piggy's specs, after recriminating him and all. (I feel really bad about that now.) We used them to start the fire and it still went out. I can't believe that the ashes would start a fire down below, though. Then Piggy told us what we had done. The poor little boy with the mark on his face. As we watched the fire I knew that he was dead. It hit me hard and the rest just as bad. I don't think that we will be trying a fire again until we are much more organized and probably not for a wile after that.

I don't think that the rest of them believe in the spirits. I think that they laugh behind my back. I am just different. I connect with the spirits and I do this because I believe in them. If any of them tried truly believing, then they would understand.

Every night I see that fire and I think about that boy with the mark and I cry. I cry for him and the animals and everyone. I can't wait to get back to normal society. I can't wait to be free of the animal inside of me. I can't wait to be free of this martyred.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Sound of the Shell: Jack is being interviewed

Crashed on an Island and I don't Know What to do.

1. Describe the setting of the island.

The island that we are on has a forest and a mountain. And it had palm trees and palm fronds every were. Now is has a huge scar across it from when the plain crash landed. Off the shore there is a huge coral reef and a smaller island. There are lagoons and driftwood and this platform that we had our first meeting on. No adults will be great, we can do what ever we want.

2. What major event has brought you to this island?

World war 2 is happening and our private school was evacuating all of the students. Our plain was shot down over an island and now we are stranded here.

3. Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the other characters (of interest) who have been introduced so far.

My name is Jack I am the precentor. I should have been the leader of everyone on the island but this other kid Ralph got voted in instead, and just because he had this silly shell that he blew to call us all there. I am incredulous that they would choose him over me. Then him, one of my choir boys; Simon and I went out to see if this was really an island and if there was anyone else around. This other fat kid called Piggy wanted to come too but we said no. There is a bunch of other kids on the island, including my entire choir. They don't matter though because they are just there to fallow.

4. Why are there no adults on this island?

Well the only adult on the plain was the pilot. All of our fathers were off fighting in the war. When the plain get hit the part of the plain were the pilot was get all burnt up and so we were left here alone.

5. What powers does a person holding the conch have? How do you feel about the conch?

The stupid shell that the Ralph boy used to call everyone with. Well it kinda symbolizes the ruler and it was used to call everyone to the first meeting of everyone on the island. I think that it is stupid that it has that power over everyone. I mean it is just a shell. And just because that Ralph blew it, does not mean that he should be the ruler.

6. What is the choir’s job? How do you feel about the boys in the choir?

Ralph says that I still control the choir and I think that it would be useful to have hunters to get food, so I volunteered them for hunting duty. I am tough and will make a perfect leader for them. They are wise, not as wise as me of course but I feel that they will work fine, and under my lead stupendous.

Why do you feel you should be elected chief?

I have so much to proffer. I feel that I am a natural leader. After all I lead the choir and I have done an effulgence job. They obey and honor me.

Why couldn’t you kill the pig?

It was not that I could not kill the pig it was that I was choosing the perfect spot. Then it got away.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If I had to be stranded on an island and could only bring three things and three people, what and who would I bring?

If I had to be stranded on an island and could only bring three things and three people, what and who would I bring?

My answers would alter depending on what the island was like but I will assume that It is a typical island with driftwood, grass, and weeds.

For my three items I would probably bring a large motor boat so that we can all get off the island with a little bit of comfort room and go faster then the wind would take us. Also a huge container of extra gas so that we won't run out and be stranded in the middle of the ocean. And finally a lighter so that we could light dried driftwood on fire and get food and water from the fire.

The three people that I would most likely bring are my Mom, my dad and my grandpa. My mom, because she could drive the boat, help us catch fish and make food and drinkable water, and she is smart and would keep her head about her. My dad, because he is a trained medic and could help us if anyone got hurt, he has driven a boat and gone out fishing before. And my Grandpa Gene, because he is an engineer, knows hoe to drive a boat, has gone fishing, and for company.