Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 12: Point of veiw: Ralph

In the beginning of the chapter we find out that Samneric join Jack's tribe because they were beaten and threatened. During Jack's private feast I go and talk to Samneric who are on guard duty. They say that Roger is a horror and that he has sharpened a stick at both ends for Ralph. Sam gives me meat from the feast and then I go and hide.
In the middle of the chapter Jack begins the hunt for me. I first hid in a thicket next to Castle rock. One of the twins tells Jack were I am hiding. Jacks tribe first drops boulders on my hideout and then lights it on fire to flush me out.
Then toward the end of the chapter when I fled to the beach, I found a Naval Officer. Then Percival (the littlun at the beginning that could tell you everything about him) could not even remember his name. The Naval officer asked who was in charge. I of course told him that I was the leader and by doing so I held myself responsible for the events. The Naval Officer was disappointed, because we did not know how many of us there were. I never did get a count or a list of names. Then we all broke down in tears and went home.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chapter 10: The conch and the Glasses

Dear Journal,
I am dead now and The Lord of the Flies was right. Everyone killed me. Even Ralph and Piggy. I tried to warn them about what the beast was, but they were doing some sort of ritual thing with Jack and his lot. They thought I was the beast and attacked me. I'll admit I must have looked scary, but to go that far... I only wanted to warn them. Anyway I am a ghost now and so I have been looking over them as they deal with what they did to me. Some are taking it like they took the death of the mulberry boy, but harder and Jack has convinced others that it was the beast disguised as me. This is what I saw.

First I visited Piggy and Ralph, hopping that they would be more Consoling.

They were so quiet, then they started denning it. You would think that it would make me feel better that they were trying to pretend like they could not do something like that, but they did do it and I know that they feel bad inside, it just does not seem like enough. I mean they killed me. Then Sam n' Eric come and say that they left early when they know that they didn't. It is infuriating. That is when I left. I could not bear it anymore.

I went to see what Jack was doing. I thought it might make me feel better about how Ralph and Piggy were acting. What ever he was doing had to be worse. It was.

He had a boy tied up and he beat him. Then he let him loose and called an assembly. The only biguns that weren't there was Ralph, Piggy and The Twins. (I was starting to feel bad for them.) Then Jack said that I was the beast not me and that I would come back and was not dead. I could not believe it. Then he plans to take some biguns and steel the others fire in the middle of the night. I hurried over and tried to warn Piggy and Ralph. They woke up and I started calling to Piggy “Piggy, Piggy, Come out Piggy.” I think he heard me but he was scared and would not come out. Then I watched as Jack, Roger and Maurice found that there was no fire and attacked them. Ralph and Eric were beating up on each other wile Jack and the other two got away with Piggy's glasses. It was horrible.

I ran to my hiding spot in the woods. The Lord of the Flied was waiting. It geared and teased me. Then I vanished.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 9: A View to a Death

1.In Simon's secret place, the flies preferred the sow's head and guts.
2.Simon decides to climb the mountainside to see the beast.
3.Simon untangles the figure on the mountainside.
4.Piggy suggests that Ralph and him go to the party.
5.Ralph and Piggy got accepted into the party when a littlun burnt piggy.
6.Jack declares that the conch does not count on this side of the island.
7.Towards the end of the party the weather gets stormy and rainy.
8.As the boys danced they chanted: “Kill the beast, Cut his throat, Spill his blood.”
9.Simon emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast.
10.I think that Jack was responsible for killing Simon, because he got everyone rallied up and all hyper. He said “Do our dance! Come on! Dance!” He told them all to join in there skit and that is what got them all hyped up. He started the chanting: “Kill the beast, Cut his throat, Spill his blood.” He got them chanting evil words that made them hate the beast, and then they thought that Simon was the beast, because he came muttering on all fours at them. I think that it was all jacks fault, because all of the time on this island he was manipulating others to be more evil like him.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness.

Chapter 8: Lord of The Flies

I think that the scene at the end of chapter eight was the scariest. In the last few pages of Chapter 8, The Lord of The Flies appears. It turns out Simon was right it was in there imagination and they were the beast. The Lord of the Flies was in Simon and it spoke to him thought a severed pig's head. It says that he does not belong there, that everyone else including Piggy and Ralph will kill him.

"You're not wanted....on this island!...So don't try it on, you poor misguided boy, or else....we shall do you. See? Jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph."
-The beast to Simon, Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness.

“This head is for the beast. It's a gift.”

- Jack Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness.

I think that this is the scariest scene so far in the book and in this chapter. It took form of a talking pig. Even thought it was in his imagination, that just makes it all the scarier, because it is not like you can just run away from it. It is inside you and so it could come out at you at any time.

“You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are what they are?”
-The voice of the beast within, Lord of the Flies, to Simon, Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness.

The pigs head was a vessel and a scary one at that, but not much more. It was not an evil beast it was a mother sow before Jack killed it.

That is why I think that this is the scariest part of Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 7:Shadows and tall trees.

Leader of the savages.
From the point of view of Piggy.

Ralph is changing. He still is not that nice to me, but I notice him. His hair is growing out, and it is dirty. His teeth need brushing and he hardly has any of his shorts left, not that they look like much. We are all disgusting and briny but he seems to notice and wish for more. Jack loves it out hear. He does not care, but Ralph does.

After they all speared the pig they acted out a little skit. The skit was of them surrounding it and then killing it. They all got too excited thought and they started really hurting the kid that was acting as the pig. They are acting more and more like savages every day.

I think that when they did the skit, they went too wild. They got too excited and start acting like savages. It may have all been fun and games, but it symbolized something more. It shows that even Ralph can go bad, and that he started too.

Then they want to show off there bravado to everyone, so they talk about acting it out. One of them suggests that they should use a real pig so they can kill it. And Jack suggests that they should use a littlun instead of a pig. Impervious to the horror of that idea they all laughed. Jack is getting more and more savage. Soon he will actually kill someone.

After the skit incident they dunly climbed up to the top of the mountain to get rid of the beast, so that we could light the signal fire. They thought that they saw the beast on the mountain, so it must be real. Why does Simon still think it isn't, though? He went with them, he saw it too. Now after the fact, I know that it was just a man with a parachute. It still looked scary though and they were Windy. They wouldn't approach it, that is why they did not find out what it really was.