Sunday, March 21, 2010

Post 4

Q: 1

“'We are a miscegenation-happy people,' Ed Morales concludes.” Pg. 231

First Miscegenation means crossbred. So now knowing this, I think that people have adapted very well in the US. They are mixing and assimilating well. Americans are more than accepting these new comers. People are adapting to the situation at hand.

I think that we now see the crossbreeds that they have created. Almost no one is full anything. I myself am some of almost everything.

How many people do you know that are a single race/culture?

Q: 2

“That's why I tell young girls, you have to stand up for yourself. Be bien preparadas. If you can't fight for yourself, how can you fight for family, your country your community.” pg. 262 Dolores.

I can relate to this because, my mother has always taught me to stand up for myself. Just like Dolores states “If you can't fight for yourself, how can you fight for family, your country your community.” Though I am an American I still need to be able to stand up for myself, my family, my friends, and my rights.

It must have been a challenge for young girls to be confident in their selfs when not in their own country. They already must feel like they don't fit in. But now on top of that they are shy and/or uncomfortable, as a teenager. Adapting to this culture as a teen ager must have been very difficult.

Have you ever had to stand up for someone or something?

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