Monday, March 15, 2010

Post 3

"All we got is what you see on our backs," one African American woman tells me, pointing to her two little boys in basketball jerseys with numbers on them.”
pg. 136

The journey coming to America must have been a hard trek for this woman and her family. They could not bring very much only what they can carry with them. They would have had to leave many things behind. It must have been very sad for them.

This reminds me of what my mother says in the grocery store. We only buy what we can carry. If you compare a trip to the grocery store to the hard trek to America, our life here seems pretty great.

Do you think that it is the same for people immigrating to the U.S. now?

“They keep the economy going, she concluded.”

Julia's Aunt pg.140

This reminded me of something that came up in class the other day. Someone said that immigrants help keep the economy smooth. I think that this is an interesting topic. Immigrants may help the economy by having more people to buy goods, but they also hinder the economy buy taking jobs away from the natives.

This person is acting like these immigrants are just here to help with our problems. “They keep the economy going,” she says. But they came here for a new life, not to be treated like extras to buy more goods from people.

Do you think that people feel this way now a days?

1 comment:

  1. Quote # 1 :

    Yes, I agree with you a lot on this. The African American woman and her family must have been through a lot too! I'm guessing they brought money, maybe some clothes, and a little food and water. I can't even imagine myself in that situation! But then again, I think its sort of good that they left a lot behind, because that means you can just start fresh at your new home in America and make new memories with new belongings.

    Quote #2 :

    Oh, yes I agree also! This was on our immigration test. I think its so true. Our country is so diverse and if you can imagine what it would be like without any other ethnicities of people, I've gotta give you some props! Especially when the majority of us are all of different heritage. Who knows, even someone who claims they are full american can be a descendant of an irish person or something! Also, many immigrants have opened up various shops--- whether it be a clothing store or a restaurant, they help us to learn of the many countries in the world and have a little piece of that here in America. And I love America for that. We are always learning, expanding our knowledge and focusing on helping other countries too, not just ourselves like many others think we do. To be living in America is a great opportunity. Ohand, its not a small world, its actually a Big World after all!

    -Oh, you also forgot the questiooons!
