Sunday, March 7, 2010

Post 2

“I do as many quinces a year as weddings,” pg. 92 Father Jorge Perez

I think that this quote shows just how many people maintain their cultural ties to their homeland while living in America. It also show how many people of this culture came to this part of America. This Father either has very few weddings, or there are a lot of people maintaining there cultural ties. This is an example of one church in the entire country. Think of how many Latinas there must be in the rest of the country. True it may be that this area has more Hispanic people in it. Still remains the fact that a lot of girls celebrate there quinces.

I am amazed at how well these girls are adapting to their new lives in the U.S. I am one to comfort new people and outsiders. I hope that people also did that for these girls and that is why they are getting more comfortable in America.

Why do you think that these churches are having as many quinces as weddings?

“If we could, we'd bring the whole family.” pg 124 Rosie

I feel bad that a lot of people had to leave family members behind. I hope that people like Rosie eventually get enough money to pay for the rest of their family to come to the Americas. This shows how hard it must have been to travel to the U.S. All the heart ache and the stress is unimaginable. I am glad that we have risen above that. Nobody should have to go through that, anymore.

I find this very sad that they could not bring their entire family with them. I can't imagine how it would feel to have to leave someone behind or to be the one that must be left behind. I am glad that it is now easier to bring your entire family over to the U.S.

What percentage of the families that had to leave members behind, do you think made enough money to get those members voyage to the U.S.?

1 comment:

  1. 1st quote :

    This really amazed me too ! I find it very fascinating that many Latino girls are still following this tradition. And it would definitely make sense that the Father does many Quinces. Many girls are emerging into womanhood. I'm actually surprised that there are actually not more Quinces than Weddings done. So many Latino girls celebrate their Quinces, and whereas for weddings, it takes a while to find the one you truly love.

    Answer to Question :

    I think its because there's so many latino girls out there who are becoming women, while weddings, it takes more time to find your true love. Also, weddings have to be planned at least a year in advance, or around that time!

    2nd quote :

    I also feel bad for the ones left behind. I can make a small connection to what some of these families are feeling, but it probably doesn't compare. Its just when I feel left out and my family leaves me somewhere else while they go and do whatever it is they need to. It really is unimaginable!

    Answer to Question:

    I think under 30 % of the families had enough to get their other family members to the U.s . This is because not all of the families are rich, and they won't get money very quickly right after arriving in america. It probably costs a lot for them too, considering the fact that they need to find jobs and all that, plus support everyone with them. In time though, some will probably manage.
