Friday, February 5, 2010

Post 2

NAME Killian Henson DATE 2/05/10
TITLE The Lightning Thief TIME 3 ¾ HOURS
AUTHOR Rick Riordan PAGES 127- 218

QUESTION 1: What does this book make you wonder about? Why?

RESPONSE 1: When ever I am reading one of my fantasy books I always wonder if it is based off of something real. I always with they were real and that I was some part of them. I love all the excitement and adventure. In some ways I am glad that they are not real because, often if one of the characters did something slightly different, it could mean the end of life as we know it. Even though I know that all of these books are most likely fantasy I always wonder in the back of my head if just maybe parts of them are real.

QUESTION 2: Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?

RESPONSE 2: I love this book and if I found another fantasy book written by the same author I would take pleasure in reading it. I have had good experiences reading books by the same author of my favorite series. For example the author of the Twilight saga also wrote the book The Host. The Host was even better then the Twilight saga. I am also looking forward to reading the sequels to this novel. So in a nut shell, I am looking forward to reading more books bay the same author.

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