Friday, January 29, 2010

Post 1

NAME Killian Henson DATE 1/29/10
TITLE The Lightning Thief TIME 4 HOURS
AUTHOR Rick Riordan PAGES 1- 126

QUESTION 1: Which character would you like to be like? In what way? Why?

RESPONSE 1: I would like to be like Percy. It think that I am already somewhat like him. I have disabilities too. I also love the water. If I was the daughter of one of the Gods, I think that I would be a daughter of Poseidon. I love the water and am also very brave in most circumstances. I always stand up for my friends and try to protect them from coming to any harm.

QUESTION 2: What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that?

RESPONSE 2: At one section in the book Percy does not leave like he was told to. Instead he goes back to help his friends. I think that this might not have been the best Idea, because the monsters were after him and so they might not have bothered his friend if he had fled. I also think that this was the right idea though, because he was helping his friend. I would have done the same thing in his place and think that it was very brave and selfless.

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