Friday, January 29, 2010

Post 1

NAME Killian Henson DATE 1/29/10
TITLE The Lightning Thief TIME 4 HOURS
AUTHOR Rick Riordan PAGES 1- 126

QUESTION 1: Which character would you like to be like? In what way? Why?

RESPONSE 1: I would like to be like Percy. It think that I am already somewhat like him. I have disabilities too. I also love the water. If I was the daughter of one of the Gods, I think that I would be a daughter of Poseidon. I love the water and am also very brave in most circumstances. I always stand up for my friends and try to protect them from coming to any harm.

QUESTION 2: What do you think about a particular character's actions? Was he/she right or wrong to do that?

RESPONSE 2: At one section in the book Percy does not leave like he was told to. Instead he goes back to help his friends. I think that this might not have been the best Idea, because the monsters were after him and so they might not have bothered his friend if he had fled. I also think that this was the right idea though, because he was helping his friend. I would have done the same thing in his place and think that it was very brave and selfless.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In class writing responce

Choice 2 - Pretend you are one of the characters from the book and write a journal entry in their perspective. Your entry could be about events that happened one day or over a certain time period.

Character: Percy Jackson

I have never been a person to keep a diary, but my life just got weirder, so hear I go. Well I am starting a journal about my adventures on this quest. I pretty much had to accept the quest. I was getting blamed for stealing Zeus's lightning bolt and I did not wish to stay on his bad side. Not to mention this was Grover's chance to make up for some big mistake he had made years before. How could I let Grover down. Chiron would not tell me where the lightning bolt was however, until I accepted the quest.

Once I had accepted the quest, Chiron sent me to The Oracle. The Oracle is this old mummy in the attic of the big house. The mummy wore a tie die sun dress, lots of bead necklaces and wore a headband over her black hair. The mummy was the spirit of Delphi. She spoke prophecies. When her mouth opened this weird green mist came out. I asked her what my destiny was and then the mist made my smelly father in law appear with a bunch of his buddies. Then they spoke in the voice of the Oracle:

You shall go west, and face the god who has turned.

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned.

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.

And you shall fail to save what what matters most, in the end.

And that was it. When I went back down stairs, Chiron told me that the bolt was in the Underworld. Now I get to take two friends with me. One is Grover the other is Annabeth. Tomorrow we will travel to Los Angeles to find the bolt.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book Choice

I have chosen to read The Lightning Thief by Rick Roidan.

I think that this book will be fun to read, because I have heard that is a really good book. It is also being made into a movie and I would like to read it before I see the movie. So I am looking forward to reading it.